Agathosma riversdalensis young flowers

    Agathosma riversdalensis young flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The hairy-stalked, young Agathosma riversdalensis flowers are white or pale mauve, growing in stem-tip clusters. Calyx, petals, stamens and staminodes occur in fives per flower. The sepals are about a third of the petal length. The stamens and staminodes are well exserted above the corollas. All these parts emerge from below the superior ovary.

    The corolla spreads partly, the petals angle up and out, about 4 mm long and clawed. Their tips are rounded, sometimes slightly curved-in. The staminodes, stamens lacking anthers, are narrowly lance-shaped, widest in their lower parts. The thick, short anthers are pinkish brown, attached to the filament tips in their centre and nodding.

    Flowering happens from before midspring to after midautumn (Manning, 2007; Mustart, et al, 1997; Bond and Goldblatt, 1984; iNaturalist).

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