Aloe striata many fruits

    Aloe striata many fruits
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The whole, branched panicle of an Aloe striata inflorescence may end up covered in fruit as happened here. The youngest capsules are green, turning brown or reddish brown before they ripen and dry.

    A great many seeds can be expected to be dispersed when so many capsules mature and open unimpaired. Eventual seed germination is only a percentage of those grown, influenced by many factors. Abundant seed overproduction is a feature of countering all the mishaps that may befall seeds from capsule to first leaf (Frandsen, 2017; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Van Wyk and Smith, 2003; Reynolds, 1974; Jeppe, 1969; iNaturalist).

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