Abutilon grandiflorum calyces

    Abutilon grandiflorum calyces
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The flowers of Abutilon grandiflorum grow solitary on peduncles of up to 8 cm from the leaf axils of main branches. The flower has no bracts below its calyx. The green, cup-shaped calyx has triangular lobes with long, acutely tapering tips. The calyx is about 16 mm tall.

    The yellow petals become much longer than the calyx. The staminal tube is shorter than the petals, velvety near its base and divided into many filaments that are dilated low down. There is a style branch for every carpel inside which two or three ovules may develop into seeds.

    Flowers may remain closed on overcast days, opening very quickly when the sun appears.

    In picture there is a green calyx on the left and a brown, dry husk of an old fruit on the right (Leistner, (Ed.), 2000; Letty, 1962; JSTOR; iSpot; www.zimbabweflora.co.zw).

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