Cyphia digitata flowers

    Cyphia digitata flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The flowers of Cyphia digitata are two-lipped, similar to flowers of other members of the genus and about 1 cm long. Flowers are split down the sides, the upper lip three-lobed and marked dark purple at the base; the lower lip is two-lobed and unmarked.

    Flower colour varies from white or mauve to pinkish. The stamens, not attached to the corolla, become up to 9 mm long. Flowering happens in winter and spring.

    The plant is summer dormant, new growth from the underground tuber usually appearing after autumn rains.

    The ant in picture is probably not the only visitor species performing pollination (Manning, 2009; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010;

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