Cleretum maughanii flowers

    Cleretum maughanii flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The longish stalked flowers of Cleretum maughanii grow solitary from leaf axils or stem-tips. The five sepals are coloured and textured like the leaves, pointed, thickly fleshy and unequal.

    One whorl of gleaming white petals, oblong to slightly oblanceolate with pointed tips, spread around the stamen cylinder in the flower centre. A yellow to brownish yellow ring may be present around the centre near the petal bases. Freshly opened flowers are pale yellow towards the petal tips. Flower diameter is up to 6 cm.

    The stamens are erect, the filaments magenta, the anthers yellow or brownish. The club-shaped, grey-translucent, shiny stigmas are visible among the stamens in picture, close together when the flower first opens, spread somewhat in older flowers. Flowering happens from late winter to after midspring.

    The fruit capsules have five locules. The small, dark brown seeds have coarse, tubercular surfaces (Smith, et al, 1998; Manning and Goldblatt, 1997; iNaturalist).

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