Crassula pubescens subsp. pubescens stem-base

    Crassula pubescens subsp. pubescens stem-base
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The stem of Crassula pubescens subsp. pubescens arises incongruously large from an indifferently to haphazardly shaped, small leaf rosette at ground level. The leaves at this stage appear neglected in terms of nourishment, the available provisions having recently been reserved for the stem and its floral commitments higher up.

    The species (and subspecies) are named for their pubescence, the phenomenon of being covered by a layer of fine hair. These hairs are, however, not always in evidence or only a borderline feature as in the photo.

    One pair of small, opposite stem-leaves made the photo on the lower stem. They are narrow, tapering and fused at the base (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; iNaturalist).

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