Moraea inclinata flower

    Moraea inclinata flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The iris-like flower of Moraea inclinata has yellow and purple nectar guides on its three bigger outer tepals. In the picture the nectar guide is roundly fringed by a ragged, dark bluish-purple stripe, inside of which some dark speckles occur on a white interior with a yellow transversal band across it in the upper half.

    The inner tepals are oblong, narrower, also spreading and tapering to rounded, tongue-like tips. They lack the colourful nectar guides. Corolla colour varies from mauve to violet or blue.

    The stigma branches are narrow and curved in in claw-like fashion above the corolla centre. The flower diameter reaches up to 4 cm.

    The picture was taken in January, the middle of the plants normal summer flowering season. Plants growing at lower elevations flower earlier (Manning, 2009;

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