Pelargonium denticulatum flower umbels

    Pelargonium denticulatum flower umbels
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The inflorescence of Pelargonium denticulatum comprises an umbel of three to seven flowers on a long peduncle that bends down as the flowers wither. Individual flower pedicels are short. The flower colour is any of several shades of pink or pinkish purple with reddish purple line and spot markings on the two upper (posterior) petals. These petals are broader than the lower three (anterior petals) that are oblong with rounded tips.

    Flowers reach a size of 2 cm in diameter with a calyx tube of up to 9 mm long. The stamens have dark pink anthers when they’re young, orange when ripe. The stigma has three diverging branches. The blooming season is winter into spring (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; iNaturalist;

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