Pelargonium denticulatum buds and fruits

    Pelargonium denticulatum buds and fruits
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Some buds as well as developing fruits of Pelargonium denticulatum are held above the leaves by the long peduncles (stalks) in the photo. The individual flower pedicels are short.

    The upper flower cluster in picture has several hairy buds yet to open. They taper to their tips, the sepals visible at the back.

    The other two clusters show fruits developing after the corollas have been discarded or are at the point of departing. Some of the fruits, long and thin in shape like the stork bills that gave the genus its name (pelargos, the Greek for stork), have already formed, each pointing to a different star (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; iNaturalist;

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