Schizochilus zeyheri flowers

    Schizochilus zeyheri flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The flowers of Schizochilus zeyheri being non-resupinate bear their lips at the top of the flower, but as the inflorescence is a drooping one, the lip usually hangs at the bottom; in any case it is furthest away from the tuber, the median sepal nearest the tuber.

    The lip is deeply three-lobed, the midlobe biggest, 2 mm long, the side-lobes 1 mm. There are shiny papillae on the lip surface. The lip is sometimes a deeper yellow than the rest of the flower, the petals again may be paler. The spur growing from the back of the lip is from 2 mm to 6 mm long, cylindrical to slightly inflated and flattened at the back.

    The lateral sepals become 11 mm long. They are ovate in outline, concave along the surface, their tips acute. The lateral petals becoming up to 5 mm long are lance-shaped with acute tips (Pooley, 1998;

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