Salvia dolomitica inflorescence

    Salvia dolomitica inflorescence
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Calyces contribute much to the floral impact of Salvia dolomitica... on humans. The inflorescence bears its few-flowered whorls close together in a spike-like structure. The nearly white corollas are only present in some middle level flowers in picture. Corollas serve by signalling to pollinators, not humans, the key floral stage during which attractive victuals are likely to be present for their benefit.

    The lower calyces have enlarged, serving to house the developing fruits after the corollas are gone, having done their thing of beckoning pollinators. Upper buds near the tip decrease in size and change colour to green, waiting their turn while the developmental action is spectacular lower down.

    The timing of life phases is an orderly affair,  during which components and organs become key for a period, its duration depending on the nature of what they contribute. All have their moments of usefulness, peaking in output or functionality, after which life moves elsewhere and redundant parts disappear.

    Nature does not sustain the myth of eternal life in any living specimen, not even in any species, family or higher order category. The dynamic becoming of every species in the meeting of challenges brought about by environmental change is another matter: It is the hallmark of all life on earth… and maybe elsewhere (Manning, 2009; iNaturalist;

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