Satyrium erectum showing leaves

    Satyrium erectum showing leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The two broad, round to elliptic leaves of Satyrium erectum sometimes grow a slightly pointed tip. The leaves are positioned flat on the ground as can be seen here. Small, stem-enveloping leaves are spaced up the stem, reducing in size and becoming bract-like among the flowers on the spike.

    The flowers lower down on this spike have already withered. A few pink flowers, varying in shades of brightness and with dark petal spots, can be seen near the top. This plant was photographed in August, the peak flowering season for the species. It was growing under a shade tree near Citrusdal, well within the expected Western Cape distribution area.

    The plants habitat includes dry regions such as the Nieuwoudtville area and renosterveld as far as the Little Karoo, as well as some higher rainfall fynbos (Manning, 2009; Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010).

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