Ruschia goodiae capsule and leaves

    Ruschia goodiae capsule and leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The fruit capsule of Ruschia goodiae becomes hard and woody, about 7 mm in diameter. It has five locules that open when ripe and wet, closing when dry for periodic seed release, coinciding with conducive growing conditions. The one in picture is angularly shaped.

    The leaves grow in opposite pairs, joined at the base, more or less enveloping the stem. They are decussate or perpendicular to next and previous pairs and cylindrical to triangular in shape with rounded tips. The leaves vary in length, can be long and erect. They are pale green to bluish green; old leaves in picture become dull orange or purplish. There are pink-purple, yellow and green leaf-tips in picture (Le Roux, et al, 2005; Smith, et al, 1998; Herre, 1971; iNaturalist).

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