Trichodiadema densum

    Trichodiadema densum
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    Trichodiadema is an Aizoaceae genus, the mesemb, vygie or carpet weed family of plants that comprises more than 123 genera and 1900 species. These species are spread widely over the earth in coastal areas of Australia, New Zealand, the west of North America, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. A preponderance of Aizoaceae genera and species are, however, endemic to the west coast of southern Africa from Angola to the Cape Peninsula and adjacent inland areas.

    What makes Trichodiadema special in such a big family is the small cluster of bristles growing atop the leaf of most of its species. The name Trichodiadema comes from Greek: trix (hair) and diadema (crown).

    Trichodiadema densum is commonly cultivated for its leaves and long-lasting pinkish purple (some say magenta-carmine) flowers (Bond and Goldblatt, 1984;

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