Babiana mucronata subsp. mucronata flower

    Babiana mucronata subsp. mucronata flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The Babiana mucronata subsp. mucronata flower has a short tube at the perianth base, shorter than the spreading tepal lobes.

    The two-lipped flower characteristically has whitish or yellow colouring on its lower lip tepals; here that colouring is strong on the lateral pair of this lip (pointing away from the camera). The central segment in this group has a dark pencil-shaped mark at its base.

    The three stamens, arising from the bases of the outer whorl of tepals, present their anthers prominently for high probability of obstructing the way of passers-by and plastering pollen upon them.

    The anthers match or surpass the bluest patch of the corolla in colour (Manning, 2007; Manning and Goldblatt, 1997; Leistner, (Ed.), 2000; iNaturalist;

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