Berzelia albiflora in bloom

    Berzelia albiflora in bloom
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The nearly flat-topped clusters of globular flowerheads of Berzelia albiflora are creamy white in bloom.

    Numerous tiny florets make up each capitulum or flowerhead, the petals narrow, the sepals free and also narrow. The protruding stamens are conspicuous. The Afrikaans common name of volstruisies (little ostriches) is probably referring to the stubbly appearance of these protruding stamens of open florets, resembling ostrich chicks. Albiflora is derived from the Latin words albus meaning white and flora meaning flowers, referring to the flowerhead colour.

    The stalks of the flowerheads are dark in colour, hidden in the photo (Bean and Johns, 2005; Leistner, (Ed.), 2000; Andrew, 2017).

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