Braunsia apiculata flower

    Braunsia apiculata flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The flowers of Braunsia apiculata grow solitary on short stalks. They have five unequal sepals; the outer two are flattened, the others have membranous margins.

    The pink petals, slightly wider near their rounded tips, are white at the base. A cylindrical column of stamens and filamentous staminodes (sterile stamens lacking the yellow anthers of fully developed stamens), is erect in the flower centre. There is a ring of nectar glands in the base of the flower. Flower diameter is about 4 cm.

    Flowering happens in late autumn and winter (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2010; Smith, et al, 1998;

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