Brunsvigia bosmaniae umbel pink

    Brunsvigia bosmaniae umbel pink
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Hendrik van Zijl

    Deep pink Brunsvigia bosmaniae inflorescences may be noticed among several paler shades to about white in the same colony of flowering plants.

    Particular forms may be concentrated in certain areas. The bright pink ones are strongly represented on granite slopes near St. Helena Bay and limestone flats at Saldanha.

    Flowering occurs in autumn. The March lily common name indicates the start. One of the Afrikaans names of the plant, pienkmaartblom (pink March flower), gives more information, only partly useful: Not all the flowers of the species are really pink, while several other brunsvigias also flower pink. Some plants of other genera, not Brunsvigia, are also called Maartblom and the flowering of B. bosmaniae lasts longer than March.

    Colloquial names may serve well in small regions and focus on local interests but may become increasingly confusing beyond narrow limits. Scientific names are not without problems but do overcome those of the parochial nicknames (Duncan, et al, 2016; Manning, 2007; iNaturalist).

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