Brunsvigia bosmaniae up the hill

    Brunsvigia bosmaniae up the hill
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Hendrik van Zijl

    Like Jack and Jill Brunsvigia bosmaniae can also go up the hill for reasons other than a pail of water. Their journey is conducted in a very different way and at an exceedingly slower rate. It brings spectacular results but who expects to find water up the hill?

    Admiration of a plant’s looks might lead to wondering about other attributes. While these flowering plants are breathtakingly beautiful, they are also both poisonous and medicinally significant. This suggests that users should know what they’re doing.

    Alkaloids isolated from the bulbs contain a substance, galanthamine, used in the treatment of cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease and other conditions related to memory impairment (Duncan, et al, 2016; Manning, 2007; iNaturalist).

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