Disperis capensis var. capensis flower

    Disperis capensis var. capensis flower
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: MC Botha

    The solitary Disperis capensis var. capensis flower in picture is selective in displaying parts. The long, thin tail on the dorsal sepal is erect above the flower, a feature that will do any narcissistic rat proud.

    The pair of magenta to pale purple lateral petals form a rounded structure around the flower centre with the mainly obscured median sepal behind them. But the elegantly upcurved lateral sepal misses its mate on the right.

    A green, tapering bract below the flower raises an acute tip behind the flower. The clawed lip in the front is fused to the column in the centre, the rostellum arms curled. The green ovary below is not twisted (Liltved and Johnson, 2012; Manning, 2007; Bean and Johns, 2005; iNaturalist).

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