Delosperma echinatum

    Delosperma echinatum
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Delosperma echinatum, the pickle plant sometimes also called hairy beads, is an easy to grow and rewarding mesemb that produces many small yellow or cream flowers from late winter to autumn. Stem cuttings will root easily. Plants develop strong root systems and branch much to form dense, straggling succulent shrublets of up to 45 cm in height. It is not surprising that this species is well-known in the nursery world, also abroad. It seems particularly popular in the southern USA.

    In nature the plant is found in the Fish River valley in the Eastern Cape.  It grows on the edges of dense riverine scrub in full sun or semi-shade (Gledhill, 1981;

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