Hermannia filifolia var. grandicalyx calyces up

    Hermannia filifolia var. grandicalyx calyces up
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Louis Jordaan

    The Hermannia filifolia var. grandicalyx pointed calyx lobes can assume an S-shape, veering back behind the twisted corolla. The inner sepal surfaces are slightly rough and cream, while the corollas are mainly rusty red, although some creamy surface parts are also present. On some plants the calyx tips may be reflexed right back and straight, facing directly opposite to the corolla.

    The tiny holes in the front of the corollas formed by the twisted petals will clearly admit only small pollinators or those with long tongues. The inside petal surfaces appear yellow in the photo.

    The upper stem in picture is dull red apart from the stubbly white hair covering (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; https://lifestyleseeds.co.za; www.plantzafrica.com).

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