Habenaria falcicornis subsp. caffra flowers

    Habenaria falcicornis subsp. caffra flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The inflorescence of Habenaria falcicornis subsp. caffra comprises many flowers growing in a lax raceme.

    The flowers are green and white, in picture appearing spider-like. The green occurs on the bract and pedicel, the ovary, usually only the upper parts of the sepals, as well as on the stigma. The lateral petals are two-lobed, the upper lobes pointing upwards, the larger lower ones spreading to the sides. The lip below is three-lobed, the lobes narrowly oblong, white at their bases, green at their tips.

    The flowers are fragrant. Flowering happens from late spring to early autumn (Liltved and Johnson, 2012; Pooley, 1998).

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