Eberlanzia schneideriana dry capsules

    Eberlanzia schneideriana dry capsules
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Judd Kirkel Welwitch

    The flowers of Eberlanzia schneideriana grow in many-flowered, flat-topped, branched clusters. Eberlanzia flowers are tiny with central stamen clusters and tiny or no petals. Some thorny species that used to form part of the Eberlanzia genus have been moved to Ruschia

    E. schneideriana has small flowers with spreading, purplish pink petals; the stamen cluster in the flower centre has the same colour. Flowering occurs in late winter to mid-spring.

    Dry capsules with five locules of past flowers can be seen in the photo. The capsules are bell-shaped below, convex above. The small bracts that grow underneath each flower are visible on the stalk below, also dried out (Smith, et al, 1998).

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