Argyroderma fissum finger-like leaves

    Argyroderma fissum finger-like leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The silvery grey, succulent leaves of Argyroderma fissum disclose the origin of the generic name, Argyroderma: The Greek word argyros means silver and derma means skin.

    A finger-shape is evident in the paired leaves, identical and ascending, fused at the base. The upper surface of the leaf is flat, the lower one well-rounded, as is the tip. The leaves are invariably smooth-textured, while some forms of A. fissum develop red leaf tips or yellowish and even greenish leaf surfaces.

    This is also the Argyroderma species with a notable difference in flower colour; there are orange ones apart from the common purple colour (Frandsen, 2017; Smith, et al, 1998; Herre, 1971; iNaturalist).

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