Pergularia daemia subsp. daemia flowers

    Pergularia daemia subsp. daemia flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Ivan Lätti

    The small flowers of Pergularia daemia subsp. daemia hang in loose clusters grown from leaf axils. There are about 25 flowers per inflorescence, the cluster elongates as the flowers open and age.

    The flower is bell-shaped, opening towards evening. Flower colours include mauve, pink, green or yellow. The in-curved claw-like flower lobes have long marginal hairs. A flower reaches a diameter of 1 cm to 1,8 cm.

    The flowers are faintly scented. Blooming happens all year round.

    The African monarch butterfly, scientifically known as Danaus chrysippus, lays is eggs on this plant; the larvae feeding on it (Pooley, 1998; Van Wyk and Gericke, 2000; Germishuizen and Fabian, 1982; iSpot; Wikipedia).

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