Dead trunk and fungi

    Dead trunk and fungi
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    When stroller or flaneur observes the fallen tree bole mouldering in the forest, what does he or she see? A home for fairies among the ferns where magic can happen any minute on earth or in the mind? A quiet place for calm repose and a recovery for the spirit? Valuable real estate to be covered in houses, farmland under monoculture crops or a mine shaft bustling with workers and machines, i.e. money?

    All these and more images are conjured by the day-dreaming visitor, be he poet or she an entrepreneur. Movers and shakers of the world tend to reach the office after the holiday with spectacular plans. Plans that make staff and sometimes nature groan. Some real dreamers believe the world will remain in good shape without any effort from anybody.

    In many parts of the world old, indigenous trees have for now been shaken or sawn enough in assorted human endeavours. were learning! Dreaming of trees that will remain unsawn in a hundred years (amidst sufficient progress for humanity, of course), is not a nightmare. Try her, although a nightmare was never a horse.

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