Glottiphyllum cruciatum flowers

    Glottiphyllum cruciatum flowers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The flowers of Glottiphyllum cruciatum grow solitary, comprising a whorl of glossy, yellow petals around a dense bunch of short yellow stamens and several stigmas in the centre.

    The bright green leaves contrast well against the large bright yellow flowers, inviting would-be pollinators. Pollinator requiring plants are not shy of spreading flowering to get the job done. Glottiphyllum flowers dont have nectaries.

    Flowering extends beyond winter, the plants heeding temperature and moisture indications better than the dictates of calendars. The locals of the Little Karoo respect rain much, rarely get enough of it.

    These flowers were seen in the Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden, about three hours’ drive west of the natural home of the species.

    Glottiphyllum species tend to hybridise spontaneously wherever they flower concurrently close to each other (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Smith, et al, 1998; iNaturalist).

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