Gazania rigida

    Gazania rigida
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Gazania rigida, the Cape gazania or Karoobotterblom (Karoo butter flower) or rooigousblom (red marigold) in Afrikaans, is a stemless, tufted, low-growing perennial reaching 25 cm in height. It develops thin underground stems that resprout after rain.

    The species distribution is in the Western Cape from Namaqualand to the Little Karoo and into the Eastern Cape as far as Humansdorp.

    The habitat is flats and slopes among scrub in clay or loam soils. The species is not considered threatened in habitat early in the twenty first century (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Manning, 2007;

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