Gazania rigens var. uniflora flowerheads and leaves

    Gazania rigens var. uniflora flowerheads and leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The leaves of Gazania rigens var. uniflora are usually erect at the base in a tuft or alternating on many trailing branches.

    The leaves are simple, narrow and oblanceolate with entire margins. The leaf-tip is pointed, the base tapers without clear petiole. The midrib is sunken on the upper surface, often clearly visible, especially lower down. The margins are rolled under. 

    The leathery blades are hairless above, dark green and slightly glossy. The lower surfaces are densely covered in whitish velvety hairs. Lobed leaves are occasionally seen. Leaf dimensions are about 12 cm long and 1,5 cm wide.

    The flowerhead is solitary on an erect, hollow peduncle, long enough to position the heads above the leaves, which amounts to 10 cm to 15 cm in length.

    Each head comprises a ring of yellow, narrowly elliptic ray florets around a yellow disc of numerous, tiny, tubular florets. No dark markings occur at the ray floret bases of this variety. The flowerheads are slightly smaller than in the other G. rigens varieties, spreading to a diameter of 2,5 cm to 4 cm.

    The flowers are pollinated by bees and small beetles.

    Flowering happens all year round (Manning, 2007; Pooley, 1998; iNaturalist;

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