Gazania hybrid

    Gazania hybrid
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    This pale pink flowering Gazania is a common garden hybrid.

    Gazanias are usually perennials although some annual species exist in South Africa. The plants are usually tufted. They exude a milky latex.

    The leaves are positioned alternate on stems, sometimes forming rosettes. A leaf usually does not have a petiole, has entire margins or is pinnately lobed. Many of the species have white-woolly lower leaf surfaces.

    The flowerheads or capitula grow solitary on erect peduncles, the plants many or few flowered.

    The seventeen species of this genus occur in Africa, mostly in South Africa and Namibia. Only one subspecies of Gazania krebsiana (subsp. serrulata) grows in Angola and Tanzania and one of G. rigens (subsp. uniflora) is found in Mozambique (Manning, 2009; Leistner, (Ed.), 2000; iSpot).

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