Gazania lichtensteinii in numbers

    Gazania lichtensteinii in numbers
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The dominant plant in this part of the Goegap sands at this time of year is the stand of Gazania lichtensteinii flowering yellow daisies with gusto.

    They do not manage to cover the land they occupy completely but next year, who knows? The rain may be more, earlier or later, the temperature rising more suddenly, become higher or lower, the winds different; there may be hungry insects or mammals... Life’s like that!

    Late winter or early spring is their time in the sun in their normal place under the sun, although that great provider of energy is only their friend up to a point. It’s rays have not lost the argument now and will certainly win by summer.

    The miracle of seasonal daisy abundance in this delicate ecology depends on many factors. When all the right things happen in unison, it brings people from near and far to witness the world-renowned spectacle.

    Social habits are not always better developed than taking selfies while standing, sitting or lying briefly upon the plants before car-door slamming and a fast, dust-cloud departure to the next large colourful patch. At least there is noticing of natural beauty at its best, recognising some signs of diversity or fragility in nature (the should-be friend of humanity) and appreciating the appeal of some lesser plants, seen for the first time.

    Back home, the penny drops (yet again) that the bush over the backyard fence is pretty too, not only the flowers of celebrated far-off places. Especially if the neighbours had brought back better photos.

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