Gazania lichtensteinii without a little help from its friends

    Gazania lichtensteinii without a little help from its friends
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Life on the far side can be testing. Gazania lichtensteinii ray florets curve in from the sides as in the photo when the available moisture does not quite satisfy the demands of all plant parts.

    The tale of hardship is confirmed by beginning and ending flowerheads on dull pink stalks protruding around the tufted leaves. And so do the curling, reddened leaves also stressed. They curve down, not up like the rays.

    Yet, seeds are being set, albeit not in the profusion of good times. There is never a lack of trying! Next year must not be without the presence of the species, whatever the rainfall. If not, the year after. The seeds will last.

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