Ruschia pungens is a robust shrub that grows to 1 m in height. The stems are erect and spreading, red when young, later pale grey and woody.
The leaves are succulent and cylindrical to three-angled, blue-green in colour and often with red tips. Leaf length varies from 2 cm to 5 cm; the width is about 5 mm.
The dry remains of old flowers and their stalks from previous seasons can be seen in the photo on this plant growing near Oudtshoorn. These remains look similar to the real doringvygies (thorny mesembs) also forming part of the Ruschia genus. The specific name pungens means pricking or stinging, probably referring to the dry stalks.
The distribution of the species lies in the Little Karoo in the Western Cape and eastwards to westerly parts of the Eastern Cape.
The plant grows among the scrub in sandy soil. Due to insufficient information the status of the species population in nature has not been estimated at the time of writing (Vlok and Schutte-Vlok, 2015; Smith, et al, 1998; iNaturalist;