Pelargonium ionidiflorum leaves

    Pelargonium ionidiflorum leaves
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    The hairs on Pelargonium ionidiflorum leaves are glandular and very different from those on their petioles. The petiole hairs are soft, whitish and conspicuously long.

    Incisions between the few leaf lobes, mainly parallel along the main axis plus a terminal one, reach more than halfway to the sturdy midrib. Irregular toothing, more rounded than angular, morphs into secondary lobing along the margins. Slight in-folding forms small channels in the lobes near the leaf margins.

    Leaf colour in picture varies in several shades between grey-green and blue-green, lighter near the lower part of the midribs in older leaves and yellow-green on younger leaves. Some older leaf upper parts are red purple and hairier (iNaturalist;

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