Gazania rigens var. uniflora

    Gazania rigens var. uniflora
    Author: Ivan Lätti
    Photographer: Thabo Maphisa

    Gazania rigens var. uniflora, sometimes commonly referred to as the trailing gazania or wild strand gazania, is a sprawling perennial, a coastal daisy that grows to heights around 20 cm.

    The spreading branches of 5 mm in diameter root at the nodes. Numerous leaves form densely matted, ground-covering clumps.

    The distribution of the variety is in the east of the Western Cape from around Knysna, the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, continuing along the coast beyond the border into Mozambique.

    The habitat is coastal dunes, rocky outcrops and flats in exposed sandy places near the sea. The variety is not considered threatened in habitat early in the twenty first century (Manning, 2007; Pooley, 1998; iNaturalist;;

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